After we develop a program,we need to burn the .hex code file generated by c compiler in to the micro controller,for this we need some hardware that must be connected between the computer and the microcontroller.
The hardware is known as programmer or burner.there are different to burn the
program in to the EEPROM of the micro controller.
parallel port method(using LPT1):
click on image to enlarge
This method uses parallel port(LPT1)(DB-25)also called printer port,of computer
to burn the program.
and is very simple programming method has only 5 connections.
note:this parallel port programmer can be used to burn the microcontrollers
like 89s51 or 89s52. that is microcontrollers which has "IN SYSTEM PROGRAMMING"
(ISP) facility.
After the circuit is connected as shown in the above schematic,we should use
a software to fuse bits in to the EEPROM of microcontroller,the software i used
here is "ISP-Flashprogrammer 3.0a".install this software and u can see this window,
step by step procedure is shown below
The window shown in the snapshot appears as you open the software,browse the
.hex file to be burnt to the microcontroller,by clicking "open file".

now select the device to be programmed,we are using here 89s52 so select it.
now click "write",the status bar appears which indicates the status of
burning process.and as soon as the device is will get a message
"programmed succesfully"
now your device is programmed successfully!!!!
so enjoy!!!!:)
1.the microcontrollers which have ISP facility can only be programmed by this
2.microcontrollers having ISP facility can be idetified by 's' in their name;
's' means in "system" programmable.
for example 89s52 in this name 's' indicates that this microcontroller is
having ISP facility and hence parallel port method can be used.
3.this method can be used to burn AVR family of microcontrollers also.
4.we can generalise that any microcontrollers which have MISO,MOSI,SCK pins
can be programmed through this method.
5.MISO is master in slave out,pin which takes bits in to master processor(PC)that
are given out by slave processor(microcontroller).
MOSI master out slave in,pin which gives bits out of master processor(PC) to
slave processor(microcontroller).
SCK pin is for the synchronisation of clock between master and slave.
6.all computers dont have parallelport,this is motherboard dependent and
most of old motherboards have parallelports where as new systems doesnt.
7.very important thing to be noted is converters like USB to PARALLELPORT converter
,or SERIAL to PARALLELPORT converters dont work.
ISP softwares send the program bits directly to the inbuilt parallelports only.
8.also dont use PCI peripheral interfaces they are waste of time and money,they
wont work for parallelport the thing is parallelport must be originally of
mother board only. need to make any settings for selecting the parallelport,the software
automatically sends bits to the lpt1. can also use lock bit combinations to secure your program code.
*****any queries or comments ??? just post them here,or mail me,Thank you!!!!!!!!**********
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